There is a collection of n activities E={1,2,..,n}, each of which requires the same resource, such asa lecture venue, etc., and only one activity at a time Use this resource. Each activity i has a starttime of si and an end time of fi and si<fi. If the activity i is selected, it occupies resources withinthe time interval [si,fi). If the interval [si,fi) does not intersect the interval [sj,fj), then the activity i issaid to be compatible with the activity j. That is, when fi<=sj or fj<=si, the activity i is compatiblewith the activity j . Choose the largest collection of activities that are compatible with each other.输入格式The first line is an integer n;The next n line, two integers per line, si and fi.输出格式Excluding mutual and compatible maximum active number.样例输入141 34 62 51 7样例输出12数据范围与提示
#includestruct huodong{ int begin; int end;} J[1002];int main(){ int n,i,j,sum,temp; sum = 1; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0; i J[j+1].end) { temp = J[j].end; J[j].end = J[j+1].end; J[j+1].end = temp; temp = J[j].begin; J[j].begin = J[j+1].begin; J[j+1].begin = temp; } } } temp = J[0].end; for(i=1; i =temp) { sum++; temp = J[i].end; } } printf("%d\n",sum); return 0;}